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Tuesday, February 20, 2024

12 Years After Surgery

No signs of regrowth of pterygium. I do not use any eye drops. I was first diagnosed with pterygium in 2006. I was 34 years old. I had my surgery in 2012 when the pterygium started growing over my iris and affecting my perfect vision 20/20. I’m happy to say 12 years later there is no problems, no scarring, no notice of any redness. The surgery and the care I received was perfect. 

12 years after surgery

My eyes are perfect, no drops or other prescriptions are needed. I had surgery in 2012, today is February 21, 2024 and my eye is perfect. 

Thursday, September 14, 2023

11 Years Post Surgery

11 Years Post Pterygium Surgery

My surgery was performed February 2012, at age 40. Today is September 15, 2023, 11 years post surgery. At age 51, my eye is still perfect with no swelling or scarring.

Friday, July 8, 2016

This is my eye today on July 9, 2016, I'm still in the clear and no signs of regrowth!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Pterygium Post Surgery Over 963 days ago!

After one year my eye is still 100% healed, I am so happy that I had the surgery. It was 6 years of waiting for my doctor to give the okay to have the excision. He stated at the time I was still too young to have the surgery. At the first diagnosis in 2006 I was 34 years old.

My doctor stated the possibilities of a return of the pterygium to the same eye was too great of a chance to come back and regrow. However, by 2012 it started affecting my peripheral vision and my 20-10 vision.

Today I am 100% cured after the pterygium excision, and no signs of regrowth.
 Follow me at @pterygiumhelp

This is me 963 days after post operation. January 27, 2011 - August 19, 2014.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pterygium Cyst Post Surgery Developed-Day 13-15

This just in on Day 13 post operation of excision of pterygium, I noticed a whitish bump on my sclera, the white part of my eye. The bump formed exactly where the pterygium was excisioned. I sent my picture to several doctors on twitter, they suggested that I see my surgeon. I will see him tomorrow. 

Several doctors online stated it is either a cyst or a water blister, these are common after eye surgery. I will see the doctor tomorrow, which is Friday, February 10, day 13 post operation. Here is the picture.
Day 13
A water blister or a cyst formed on my scelera, I am seeing the doctor tomorrow afternoon.

Day 13 the redness has decreased, my vision has returned almost to normal, however a water blister or cyst has formed on my white part of my eye called the scelera.

Day 14
I did see the surgeon today Dr. Jain at Beach Eye Care in Virginia Beach
and he did confirm that this is a cyst on my eye at the 10 o'clock position.
He also removed several sutures to help the progression of healing of the sclera.
He also cut a "skin tag" like tissue on the inside of my lower eyelid caused by the stitches that remained on my eye. The sutures were removed without any numbing medication. He likes the graft that is in place and healing nicely. My eye should look normal in about 2 more weeks.He also cut a "skin tag" like tissue on the inside of my lower eyelid caused by the stitches that remained on my eye. Yes I could feel the sutures being cut and pulled out, but very little pain.He has increased dosage on my Lotemax from 4 times a day to every two hours.

The medication that I am taking still are the following:
Lotemax (1) drop every two hours
Besivance (2) times per day
Refresh Optive Sensitive (Prervative Free) every hour
Neomycin before bedtime.

Day 15
Sorry about the coloring of the photo, I took this in a different room. As you can see my cyst is on my eye that formed after surgery at the 10 o'clock position. The redness in my eye has decreased may from the increase of medication combined with the sutures being removed after 14 days. Thanks for visiting my web site.

Day 963
Success! No reoccurrence.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Daily Video Journal Post Pterygium Surgery

The above pterygium pictures are before and after surgery for the first nine days post operation. I will add more pictures to my daily journal in the next few days. Hopefully this will help you educate yourself with this disease and help you answer questions you may have. Thank you for visiting my site.
Day 10 my eye is slowly getting better, but my vision has not improved to where it was even prior to surgery, I have blurred vision in my left eye. My doctor said it will still take some time to heal on two fronts, my cornea needs to heal and my recovery time just from having trauma to my eye during surgery does take time.

Day 11, the scelera is coming back after a 6 year absence, however, pupils still remain different sizes.

Day 12
I notice my eye is getting whiter on the nasal side, however I see something on my scelera I have not seen before, there is a small bump on my eye near the 9 o'clock area. Seems to be like a raised area. I will see the doctor about this. However, I my vision is almost back no normal on day 12, no more double vision.