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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Pterygium Day 9 Post Pterygium Surgery Journal

After nine days after surgery it is a slow healing process. However, the pain has drastically diminished, and my eye has improved. I was told it would take 4-6 weeks for the eye to show drastic improvements. On the positve side of things, the eye does not feel irritated with a sense of foreign body in my eye. Everytime I blink I don't feel a bump, which is great. Imagine a bump on your eye that distorts your peripheral vision for six years and now it is gone. WOW it is a great feeling.

There are better surgical procedures out there to have this pterygium to be removed, however my health insurance OPTIMA did not cover this method. The method used is a non-stitch method, special glue, and a graft from an amniotic membrane or even the use of a healthy piece tissue  from your eye.

The procedure that I went through with Dr. Vivek Jain from Beach Eye Care in Virginia Beach, Virginia was simply an excision of the pterygium. He used special skills and tools to cut, tear, pull the pterygium off the surface of my eye that actually grew on top of my cornea. He actually had to scrap my cornea with a blade, which caused abrasions on my cornea that took about a week to heal. This pain was felt for a week on top of the stitches too. I would not wish this pain on anyone. My eye was constantly watering. My vision was blurry and still after nine days a little blurry. My eyes were tested the day after surgery and then on day 8. My vision now is 20/15 in both eyes. I am noticing that my pupil in my operated eye is still larger than my other eye. Hopefully that will go away, it might be from the neomyocin medication. I feel that it leaves a creamy layer on the eye, and it makes it hard to see out of.

I will update my dialy journal of eye pictures in March, at this time I have about 9 pictures of after shots. I will add more in March. Please feel free to comment and I will answer. Take care.

You can see my updates now on twitter @pterygiumhelp
I have a post operation picture of my eye 425 days later. 100% satisfied.

1 comment:

  1. Hello I am also getting this surgery. This coming Wednesday. I am getting the stitches I'm very nervous about the pain. I have two pterygium in each eye. I'm very afraid. Is the pain horrible?
